In Ankara, more than 100 anarchists marched in the main Mayday demo. A few days ago Ankara Anarchy Initiative made a call for an anarchist cortege to march from Opera to Sihhiye Square. There was a big (A) banner and one writing "Following a dream (A) Follow me" and tens of black flags. The group was mainly consisting of university, course and high school students but some working people also existed. Anti-militarist and anti-statist slogans were shouted. Nationalist-socialist Isci Partisi (so-called "Labor" Party) marching with Turkish flags faced our anti-fascist slogans and there was some tension. Later some leftist groups prevented them entering Sihhiye Square where the mass meeting was held. Some of our comrades also helped them doing that.
In one of the speeches, the organization committee mentioned the Haymarket events refering to A. Spies' and one another's last words before they were executed. It was not surprising that the speakers did not mention about their anarchism. Later we have left the square a while before the mass meeting were to end in order to make a meeting with the new comers.
Also Tacanka group attended the demo with their black-red flags.
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